from Strathclyde Police)
On Foot |
Using a Car |
Carry a personal alarm
Carry belongings close to you
Use well lit roads
Avoid short cuts such as alleys
Face oncoming traffic
If you think you are being followed, cross the road
Be aware when using personal stereos or mobiles
LADIES - keep your house keys on your person, not in you handbag |
poorly lit car parks
Hide Valuables
Shut Windows and lock doors when you have
Keep keys handy when returning
Never leave keys in ignition when car is unattended
Don’t leave documents inside
Public Transport |
Taxis |
your Journey
Avoid bus stops that are isolated
Be aware of people around you while at bus stops
Sit in the lower deck of a double decker bus
Sit beside the driver or beside the emergency exit
If someone makes you feel uneasy, move to another seat
black hackney taxis can be hailed
Keep a note of telephone number
Book taxi in advance
Ask for drivers details when booking
Take a note of the licence plate number
Never disclose personal details to the driver
Have your house keys ready before alighting
System |
Alcohol |
it on nights out or when working late
Appoint a “Buddy”
Give the Buddy your telephone number
Check in with the Buddy once home
The Buddy can contact those who haven’t checked in
Slowly and space out your drinks with soft drinks
Decide on a limit and stick to it
Keep an eye on your drink
If you walk away from your drink, don’t go back to it.
Identity Theft |
In Essence |
let your credit and or debit card/s out of your sight
Check cashline machines before using them
Don’t keep your pin number beside your bank card
let your credit and or debit card/s out of your sight
Check cashline machines before using them
Don’t keep your pin number beside your bank
card Don’t take risks
Trust your instincts
Be sensible and aware
Be confident and keep safe
If you are apprehensive
to go to the
Police to report an incident of Hate Crime or anything else, you can
report it through a Third Party. This is also known as Remote Reporting.
Please use the link to the Strathclyde Police and click the link to
Reporting Hate Crime. There you can report a Hate Crime online,
download a Hate Crime form and view or download Third Party locations
where you can leave your filled-in form. www.strathclyde.police.uk
Please use the Link
below to gain access a map and links to all of the Scottish Police
Forces. www.scottish.police.uk
Important: If you
believe you have been targeted because of your Transgender identity or
because of your Sexual orientation, Race, Religion, or Disability or
witness something you believe is motivated by prejudice like this,
please consider reporting it to the police.
If you don't want to
to contact the police directly you can get in touch through a Third
Party Reporting Centre. You can view a PDF copy of a leaflet that
includes information and details of these by clicking here: Hate Crime Leaflet March 2012For further information visit: www.saferglasgow.com
Please - report any Hate Crime, be it Verbal, Physical or Graffiti, or a combination of those that you may be a victim of.
Don't be afraid of the Police - They are on Our Side.
We don't want these crimes to go being un-noticed by the Police - Help Them to Help You.
We don't want Transphobia and Homphobia to persist ruining our lives.
Any form of physical,
sexual or
mental and emotional abuse which might amount to criminal conduct and
which takes place within the context of a close relationship. The
relationship will be between
partners (married, cohabiting or otherwise) or ex-partners. The abuse
can be committed in the home or elsewhere.
Domestic abuse comes in
many forms,
but at the core is the need for power, the ability to control or
dominate a partner. This can be physical, sexual, mental or emotional
abuse and it is rarely a one-off.
For example, has your partner or ex-partner ever:
Made you feel threatened or nervous?
Inflicted upon you any form of physical harm?
Forced you to engage in sexual acts that you are not comfortable with?
Although many of the
tactics used in
abusive relationships are universal, there are specific behaviours that
reflect the larger context of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and
hetrosexism surrounding LGBT relationships, for example:
Threats to reveal your HIV or AIDS status
Threats to 'out' you to your family, friends or work
Threats to jeopardise custody of children because of your sexual
Strathclyde Police
recognises the
needs of our diverse community and includes consideration of sexual
orientation. All victims and their families are treated in a fair,
sensitive and ethical manner with a consistency of approach, while
taking into account the needs of the individual.
If you live in the
Strathclyde area
and are experiencing domestic abuse, Strathclyde Police has the ability
to help protect you from further abuse. Strathclyde Police has many
specially trained
plainclothes domestic abuse liaison officers, based in your local area,
who can offer you confidential information, support and practical help.
To report incidents of
domestic abuse, you can:
Contact your local police office
Report confidentially to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
In an emergency, always call
For more advice or information, visit -
Support Services
LGBT Scotland
Broken Rainbow
0845 260 4460
National Domestic
Abuse Helpline
0800 027 1234