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Female to Male (FTM)

(Below is just a brief summary of what to expect.)
(Amended 03/11/09)

If you believe yourself to be transsexual or are confused about your gender identity or expression of your gender, you may wish to consider treatment. Treatment is offered at a number of centres across Scotland. It follows a well established pattern, through a series of stages, ultimately leading to gender reassignment surgery. The process has a number of appointments with specialists and will also involve your own GP.  Some GP's however, may be unsympathetic to treatment - in this case you may have to change your doctor. 
You should be aware that the process involves a radical change in your life, with far-reaching effects. It will affect every aspect of your life, particularly your relationships with your family and friends, but also with the public in general. It may affect your employment and your lifestyle.
Initial assessment
Treatment of FTM transsexuals begins with a referral to a gender specialist. This can be done via your GP, or directly. The initial assessment may be followed by a diagnosis. If gender dysphoria is diagnosed, you will be accepted for treatment. If there is any doubt about diagnosis, then further assessments may be required, or counselling may be recommended before you are accepted. 
Real Life Experience
During this period, you will need to live continuously in your preferred gender in the whole of your day-to-day life for at least a year before you can get surgery.  It is important to experience the realities and challenges of interacting in your preferred gender in your local community through all situations such as employment, voluntary work, educational study, with relatives and in social & leisure activities. This will involve changing your name, updating all documents such as passport and driving license, and altering details for banks, energy suppliers, etc. You will also be expected to attend support group meetings.

This is in accordance with the guidelines set out in the ‘Standards of Care’ as laid down by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), formally known as the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA). www.wpath.org

Second assessment
After 3 months a review will follow, with a further interview with a second specialist, to confirm the diagnosis. Evidence will be required to show that you are living full time in your new role.
Hormone Treatment
If the diagnosis is agreed then masculinising hormone treatment may be prescribed, in the way of testosterone. This has irreversable actions and can only be prescibed after 1 year of a  Real Life Experience is completed. It is vital that monitoring, by the way of blood tests etc, is done when taking hormones, as they may have dangerous side effects.
Various types of surgery are open for FTM's, including, breast reduction and those to change the appearance of  their genitals.

Post Transition
Service users are normally offered an appointment to attend the clinic 6 months post transition.

Support for Trans-men
Trans-men Scotland

Provides peer support for all Female-to Male Trans-men, (FTM) and for anyone labelled Female at birth who is exploring their Gender Identity. The group has members across Scotland and hold meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

For information re meetings phone: 07948 735 179

Website: www.transmenscotland.org.uk
